Saturday, June 9, 2012

Critical Reasoning Exercise June 9, 2012

Read the passage and answer the following question.

A micro-level study of Ganjam district in Odisha showed that the overall health staffing for ensuring service guarantees for maternal and child health according to the NRHM framework was inadequate. In fact, the study says that in India the staffing requirements vary widely from one health facility to another. For various reasons, doctors and other health personnel live in the district headquarters or cities, while more than 70 per cent of the population lives in rural areas. The shortfall of specialists and other staff continues to be a festering problem, and one manifestation of this is the overcrowding of public hospitals in the metros and other cities. The study is also critical of the accredited social health activists (ASHAs), the implementing channel of the NRHM. The ASHAs were found to be struggling to establish their identity both within the community where they lived and among the formal service providers whom they assisted in providing statutory health services. The situation of the ASHAs has not changed much, with the government refusing to give them the status and recognition of regular workers. In fact, the conflict between them and the other regular staff continues in various forms. The study observes that joint training and collaborative planning of all the front-line workers are essential. Compensation issues and the reimbursement-driven system also need looking into, it says.

Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

I) NRHM provides multiple health facilities.
II) Most of the ASHAs are females.
III) ASHAs have been demanding the status of regular workers.
IV) One of main problems being faced in the implementation of NRHM is non availability of proper infrastructure.
V) ASHAs are usually paid money in advance for the official expenses they incur.

A) I, II AND III        B) I, IV AND V      C) I AND III         D) II, III AND IV   E) Only III

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