Wednesday, June 6, 2012

True False Exercise June 6 2012

Read the passage carefully and without referring to the passage classify the following statements as TRUE or FALSE. (Answers provided at the Answers page)

One would expect India's airlines, thanks to the business's distinctive capacity for oomph and sexiness, to attract a certain type of cocky businessmen and managers who have a knack for wisecracks and plainspokenness. That has been the case overseas. 

Take for example what Ryanair's Michael O'Leary had to say about his scheme to charge passengers using the toilet: "If someone wanted to pay £5 to go to the toilet I would carry them there myself. I would wipe their bums." Or Delta Airlines founder CE Woolman's thoughts about his job: "Running an airline is like having a baby: fun to conceive, but hell to deliver." 

Indian airline bosses have been largely tame in contrast. The most interesting comment from an airline boss for many years was Jet Airways chief Naresh Goyal's startling revelation that his mother arrived in a dream and ordered him to take back sacked pilots. 

Barbs and witticisms have emanated since from his counterparts, but they have been few and far between.Kingfisher Airlines owner Vijay Mallya last year took a dig at low-cost carrier IndiGo. " has been downhill for civil aviation except for one airline that defies the odds and claims to be profitable, however unlikely that may be," he wrote in a memo to employees. 

SpiceJet CEO Neil Mills too fired barbs at IndiGo. "It is whether you believe fairy tales," he said, referring to reports about IndiGo's much lauded punctuality in an earlier interview with ET on Sunday. "A carrier that is financially insolvent and has a third of its fleet grounded has the best on-time performance among all low-cost carriers in the world. I believe in faith, but this is believing a little too much." 

A quote hunter would have savoured the prospect of a retort from the airline at the receiving end of these jabs and the public slanging match that would ensue. But IndiGo president Aditya Ghosh, 36, has adopted a monk-like silence, as has been his wont in his nearly four-year tenure at the helm. 

Ghosh is not the man about town, an aberration of sorts in a high-visibility business and a case study for corporate chiefs not thrilled with the spotlight. Yet, he sees nothing unusual in his averseness to publicity. Passengers, he says, fly IndiGo not because they know the president of the company. 

Classify these statements as true or false. (Without going back to the passage)
1) Vijay Mallya is highly impressed with Indigo
2) Aditya Gosh is the CEO of Indigo.
3) Ghosh has aggressively dismissed the criticism directed at Indigo.
4) Bosses of Indian aviation companies are generally not known for their humor and wit.
5) Naresh Goyal's revelation about his mother arriving in a dream invited appreciation from competition. 
6) Jet Airways chief is one of those who have criticized Indigo.
7) Ghosh generally avoids spotlight and publicity.

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